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Home and office protection

Integrated security solutions encompassing a principal’s whole lifestyle are becoming increasingly popular. As criminals will target individuals wherever they are with little distinction between the home and workplace, security solutions must mirror this reality. Home and office protection solutions bridge this gap, ensuring that a principal is kept as safe as possible wherever they are, and while transitioning between locations. 
We take pride in designing and executing highly effective integrated and joined security systems which allow a principal to travel between their home and office with the peace of mind that they will remain safe. We can offer close protection, CCTV and alarm systems, physical security infrastructure, trained family protection dogs, risk assessments, and much more.


For more information on how we can support you with an integrated home and office security package, please email

What training do bodyguards go through?

To obtain an SIA close protection licence, prospective candidates must successfully complete an accredited course of training. This is the longest of all the SIA courses, and runs anywhere between 12 to 18 days depending on daily teaching hours. Candidates take a number of mandatory modules including:

  • Law and Legislation
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Threat Assessment and Risk Management
  • Surveillance
  • Venue Security Operations
  • Operational Planning
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Teamwork
  • Reconnaissance
  • Foot Drills
  • Planning and Selecting Routes
  • Vehicle Movement, Tactics and Operations
  • Search Techniques and Procedures
  • Conflict Management Techniques
  • First aid
  • Physical intervention
  • Counter-terrorism
Home and office protection

Good training providers will emphasise a balance of risk analysis and management, dress sense, high and low-profile operations, conflict management, customer service, self-defence, and lots of hands-on scenario-based training. Bodyguard training should provide operatives with the basics to enter the industry, and a good foundation here will set them up for success in their future endeavours.