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Training Our Protection Dogs

24 Apr 2023

At Protection Dogs Worldwide, we are proud to be at the cutting edge of what we do. We select, train, and place world-leading working dogs with individuals and families requiring a higher level of security assurance. In an uncertain and volatile world, ordinary citizens are increasingly looking for novel ways to ensure that they can protect themselves and their families, come what may. While technology advances and always offers new solutions, a dog trained to guard and protect will never become obsolete. We take pride in working with, and ultimately producing top family protection dogs. Our dogs are some of the highest performing in the world, and of a calibre seldom available to the general public.

Training outstanding protection dogs is an art we relentlessly pursue to the point of perfection. Our dogs are not being trained for the sports ring or other competitions. Instead, the stakes are much higher given the risks our clients routinely face. We never become complacent, and are always horizon scanning for future or developing threats our dogs should be ready to respond to. It is a reality that criminals and terrorists are ever innovating and refining their tactics, techniques, and procedures. So to do we constantly strive to design and deliver the most realistic training possible.

We pour our everything into training and developing truly outstanding protection dogs. We understand that when our clients are potentially placing their and their families’ lives into our hands, shortcuts and quick fixes are never acceptable. Our training programmes can last for months, and are designed to prepare dogs for the diverse settings and environments they are likely to face with their new families. For more information about how we train our protection dogs, please email us on [email protected].

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24 Apr 2023

Rottweilers as Family Protection Dogs

Rottweilers are one of the best known and most popular dog breeds used for guarding and protection work. Developed in Germany, its original roles were to drive cattle to markets and guard its owner and family. While historically more used for unsupervised guarding, Rottweilers are now enjoying somewhat of a…

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