Dogs are recognised as being one of the most intelligent animals. Their working potential clearly demonstrates this as dogs have been used to herd livestock, guard people, hunt, and even support the disabled with daily tasks for thousands of years. Not dissimilarly to humans, dogs can become bored quickly unless given adequate stimulation. Training is one of the best boredom busters, and its importance can never be understated. It brings endless benefits, both physically and intellectually.
Working dogs require more training than pets, especially on a regular and ongoing basis. By their very nature, they thrive when given a job and training can replicate these demands in the safest and most controlled way possible. Training can also be progressive, and become increasingly complex as earlier sessions become a foundation that are built upon.
Training is best when delivered in frequent small chunks. Sessions can be built around your day and range from requiring your dog to sit or downstay before being fed or petted to full-on protection scenarios with bite suits and other equipment. Training’s real value lies in its consistency. As dogs learn associatively, regular adherence to a programme is the single most important factor in assuring that any kind of training is valuable.
As protection dogs are required to perform a particular role which demands skill, top-up training should also be considered. Skill fade is a very real phenomenon, and its risks can be mitigated with regular training. An added benefit of this is the higher levels of assurance it provides owners who can relax in the knowledge that their dogs will be able to protect them and their families if needed.
Our training team regularly visit clients around the world to deliver top-up training. To book a visit from one of our trainers, please email
In the modern West, the majority of dogs are recognised and registered breeds such as the German Shepherd, Dobermann, or Labrador. However, this is a relatively new phenomenon and only dates back to the middle of the 19th Century with the advent of breed clubs. Historically, it was more common…
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