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Getting a New Dog

22 Nov 2022

Getting a new dog is always an exciting time. Whether you are welcoming a companion or working animal into your home, you and your dog would both likely benefit from a little forward planning. These are some tips we would offer to anyone about to get a new dog:

1. Try to understand your dog’s needs as well as possible. This should be both with regards to them as a breed, and as an individual animal. Each dog has its own quirks, and knowing what its personality is like can help with setting them up for success when they join their new home. This can be as simple as finding out what their favourite toys or treats are, which can then be used to facilitate bonding

2. Start setting your home up to make it a dog safe and friendly environment. Installing baby gates, tucking wiring under carpets, and ensuring anything you would not want to be damaged by unwanted chewing are three basic steps which can go a long way. It is also worth reinforcing any fencing in your garden to safeguard against potential escapes!

3. Find a vet that you feel comfortable with. While we all hope that visits with our dog would be rare and cautionary, this may not always be the case and is more often than not a stressful experience. Associated stress can be somewhat mitigated by knowing that you have a good relationship with your vet, and that your dog will be well cared for when with them

4. Start teaching yourself some basic dog training skills and theory. This isn’t a substitute for more advanced work with a dedicated trainer, but short and frequent training sessions throughout the day go a long way in reinforcing good habits that will set your dog up for success throughout its life. While it may seem small, even requiring your dog to sit on command before feeding it can offer significant benefits if practised enough

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22 Nov 2022

Types of Dog Food

Dog owners have a number of options as to how they can feed their pets or working dogs. Different types of dog foods offer their own benefits and drawbacks. As proper feeding is so integral to owning a dog, this area deserves due consideration and should not merely be an…

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